Rev. Fred H. Jacobs' passion and gifts are in teaching, preaching, counseling, administration, and development. He is an ordained Pastor, licensed to preach, and possesses the credentials to certify his qualifications.
Moreover, Rev. Fred H. Jacobs is a Licensed Professional Counselor through the State of New Jersey and possesses a Master's Degree in Science in Christian Counseling, a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Counseling, and an Associate Degree in Specialized Business.
Beginning in 2002 to 2004, he was employed full-time at St. Matthews Baptist Church in Williamstown, New Jersey, under the leadership of Dr. Raymond M. Gordon, D.D. St. Matthew is a mega-church with a congregation of over 9,000 members. There he was Director of Outreach and Worship. As the Pastor of outreach and worship, Rev. Jacobs oversaw the directions, administration, and management of the church’s Outreach and Worship Department.
Presently, Rev. Jacobs is on staff at St. Matthew’s Baptist Church as the Director of the Bus Minister, as well as supervising 6 buses and 5 bus drivers through scheduling drivers for trips, managing maintenance, and invoicing drivers' pay.
The greatest call of all is to the Senior Pastor of St. James Baptist Church, Norma, NJ 08347. All that means nothing compared to being Baptized with the Holy Ghost and called to Preach and Teach HIS Gospel, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Praise HIM In HIS Name Rev. Fred H. Jacobs.